What is Dark Web? The Internet's Darkest Side

     What is Dark Web : The Internet's Darkest and Dangerous Site in the World

In mid-2014 it was estimated that more than three billion people (about 42% of the world’s population) used the Internet. The majority of those people accessed the World Wide Web by using the same Web browsersMicrosoft Internet ExplorerMozilla FirefoxApple
 and Google Chrome. Few Internet users, however, are familiar with the Deep Web—also known as the Hidden Web, Deepnet, or Invisible Web—that portion of the Web content that is not indexed by the widely used standard search engines. The Deep Web differs from the dark Internet (sites that have been dropped or otherwise concealed and cannot be reached through conventional search engines) and from Darknets (private networks for sharing files between trusted peers that are accessed through nonstandard protocols). Modern search engines index only a small portion of the content on the World Wide Web, which satisfies the needs of the majority of users, who remain unaware of the vast amount of material to be found in the Deep Web.


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